The New Year is all about reflection. Whether it is reflecting on the year past, or reflecting on the year ahead, with the New Year comes new promises and of course, New Year’s resolutions. A resolution is commonly defined as a firm decision to do or not to do something. It seems so easy? It is only normal that we start thinking about the things we want to change, and the person we want to be after the clock strikes midnight. Rather than setting a huge yearlong goal, it can be more productive and rewarding to set weekly or daily goals instead. Sometimes all it takes is a little lifestyle tweak, or a slight change in routine, to have you feeling more accomplished by the end of the month. That being said, here are a few tips that can help you start feeling better:
Improve health and fitness
While this may be a cliché and severely overused resolution, it is also never too late to start working on your physical health. Intentions to get fit and lose weight are always promised, but the follow through is never as easy as it sounds. White Oak’s 10 Week Challenge is perfect for those who need motivation. The 10 Week Challenge is a full scope fitness plan to help you achieve your goals and set you up for success. From nutrition education to personal training and some fun clinics in between, it’s perfect for anyone who needs to be held accountable for their workouts to stay motivated. If 10 weeks sounds a little daunting, check out Yogafest in The Club, and be sure to stay tuned for this month’s launch of The Club fitness app featured on the brand new cardio equipment to help members track their fitness and progress!
Cook more often
With busy schedules come rushed eating habits. Whether you’re always on the go, or you want that extra 20 minutes of sleep in the morning, there is always a reason to eat out, or not eat at all. A good resolution to make is getting into the habit of cooking more often. It doesn’t have to be every single day, but cooking meals at home is a great way to improve your health and energy levels, while also having some fun and getting creative (not to mention it will also save you money).
Practice self-care
The hustle and bustle of everyday life can leave people exhausted, overwhelmed, and stressed out. So often we are busy worrying about all of the things we need to do for other people, that we forget about the things we need to do for ourselves. Start taking time for yourself in the New Year. It’s as simple as having a bubble bath with a glass of wine, or taking advantage of New Year promotions at the spa. The Spa at White Oaks is featuring MAX+LED Facial $99 (reg $140), Aromaflex Massage $140 (reg $165), 20% OFF all body products.
Remove clutter
If you don’t need it, get rid of it. Removing unnecessary clutter is a great way to cleanse and get you feeling more positive, organized, and productive. Nothing feels better than purging your junk drawer, or throwing out those old clothes you haven’t worn in years. Stop procrastinating. A little bit of cleaning and organizing, goes a long way.
Plan a vacation
Life can get a little mundane sometimes if you don’t have something to look forward to. That’s why planning a trip or even a little “staycation” gives you something exciting and rewarding to focus on and work towards. Even if it’s just a weekend away at White Oaks, any time away counts.