Isolation Self Care Tips

During these globally uncertain and stressful times, it can be tough to see light at the end of the tunnel. Being confined indoors, in isolation can certainly add to an already hectic time. I know I certainly have struggled with keeping mental and emotional clarity some days. I have been in the spa industry for 20+ years so being out of my usual work environment has left me feeling quite lost. I miss the team, the customers, the smells, the environment, the spa services I hold myself to enjoying regularly…I miss it ALL. I eat, sleep and breathe spa so I had to get creative when trying to incorporate this environment at home. Here’s what I find has helped me chill out and stay balanced on a consistent basis:

Bath time! This has become a nightly ritual for me now. I will read, meditate in silence, or even take that time to reflect on the day and remind myself that I have so much to be grateful for, even during times like these. For instance, last night I was truly grateful for wine and cookies. Hot baths help bring down your cortisol levels, slows your breathing to help relax you before bed and detoxes the skin. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil, I personally like lavender, or some Epsom salts if you have them and …..Spaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Get moving! Now I will admit I have hard time writing this tip with a straight face because anyone who knows me well knows I’m not the avid gym type but I assure you, it has helped me stay sane tremendously. True story! I wake up, have my coffee and then get moving for 20 minutes or so. I try to do some light cardio as well as some strength training. There are so many exercises you can do without any equipment such as jumping jacks, squats, sit ups and push ups. Even just dedicating 5-10 minutes to some simple stretching or yoga helps to get the blood pumping and the big bonus is it produces endorphins which make you happy! Now this is where the spa element comes in….I put a face mask on while working out. My body AND my face are now ready to take on the day!

Now that you have worked out the body, you can also do workouts on the face and when done regularly, can actually lift and tone various face muscles to help your skin look younger over time. No joke. This is actually a huge trend right now and quite easy to do. If you get yourself in the habit of doing this daily for 3-5 minutes, simply while you apply your regular skin skincare regime, you’ll not only increase the absorption of your serums and creams, you’ll notice some serious results. One face exercise I like to do actually helps to lift and sculpt my cheeks. I start at the corner of my mouth and work my way up to the top of my ear, moving along the cheekbones using light but quick pinching movements with my index finger and thumb. This brings blood flow to the cheeks and creates a gorgeous lit from within glow. I follow Facegym on IG and they post videos regularly. Every Monday they do tutorials in their stories to show you how you can do the at-home face workout. Check them out!

I know it seems odd, you may even feel some guilt to even consider pampering during such difficult times but we’re all in this together. If taking some time for yourself daily can help you feel better physically, mentally or emotionally, then it’s no longer pampering, its essential self-care. 

Jenny is a much travelled Spa Director, who minors in daredeviling. Having managed several major luxury hotel spa brands, including The Spa at White Oaks, she embraces the wellness world and "Spa" life, with a special passion for skin care.